Sep 17, 2021
In the year 2020, 42% of physicians reported feeling burnt out. Roughly one physician dies every day by suicide which is double the rate of general population. There is help. Sometimes we need to reach out, sometimes we need to reflect, be mindful, and help ourselves become more resilient. Sometimes we need to live a more aligned life with our values and purpose. Sometimes we need to focus on a greater good which helps us get a different perspective on life altogether. My "Living Intentionally" Coaching and mindfulness program sets the stage to help you get there. Learn more at In this week's podcast, I'll talk about what it means to move from one stage of life to another and focus on living a purpose driven life to help us bend and not break. What does it mean to focus less on success and more on living a valued aligned life? If you are having suicidal thoughts: Ask for help. 1.800.273.8255.