Dec 31, 2021
It's the New Year's Eve in the US. Some people are anxious. They had set some goals and aspirations for themselves and here's one more year that nothing panned out, truly. So where do we go from here? If you think about it, end of the year is actually an arbitrary assignment. In my part of the world, the year ends...
Dec 24, 2021
It's Christmas Eve. Where do you live? Do you have a white Christmas? If you don't, does it even matter to you? We all have ideas about what life should and should not be like. It turns out, we think the same thoughts about end of life. When we should and should not be dying. It has been my experience that if people had...
Dec 18, 2021
When it's your birthday, do you get a cake with a candle on top to make a wish? If you don't, what happened? How is that no longer a special day for you? I have learned that as we get older, we start taking our days and even amazing celebrations for granted. When the end of the year comes around, we start looking at how...
Dec 10, 2021
This holiday season, people are going to drive you mad. They will say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing, behave in a way that you want to come undone. In this episode I will teach you how to feel instant love NO MATTER how people behave. If you make your experience of feeling love "conditional" on how others behave,...
Dec 3, 2021
Stranger than science fiction: In 1951 a new cell line were discovered that seemed to be immortal. These cells became the mainstay of scientific research, leading to more than 110,000 published studies as well as 3 Nobel Prizes. They were simply known as HeLa Cells. Her name was Henrietta Lacks; a 31 year old mother of...