May 12, 2023
It's a real thing, although I am not sure I have heard it call
Mom Rage is when you lose your s$@! as you are trying to be a good
parent and set a good example.
Well, as you can imagine, it leaves a terrible after taste. How is
you? What were you thinking?
Shame in all aspects of our lives can be overwhelming, but our
shame around how we parent and how every interaction with our kids
can leave a lasting impression on them, can lead to regret and
endless spiral into self judgement.
I don't want that for you.
So this mother's day weekend, take a listen to this episode. And
remember: If it's hysterical, it's historical.
It's your trauma response coming out to fight for you
Give yourself grace and move on.
You are doing the best you can.
And remember: When you know better, you do better.