Mar 3, 2023
Can you practice medicine on your own terms?
We hear this all the time, but what does that even mean?
This week I am at the White Coat Investor Conference 2023, one
way I like to invest in my own financial literacy for myself and my
I thought it would be the perfect time to showcase a physician who
is an inspiration to me.
Dr. Una is the creater of so much goodness in the world of
medicine: EntreMD is not only one of my favorite podcasts, it is
also a place you can learn to work with other physicians who want
to learn more about working as an entrepreneur.
I think you would love my conversation with her. In this episode you will learn how can you get out of your own way to start something completely new.
Learn more about all her amazing work and resources by checking out:
You will be so happy you did.