Nov 10, 2022
"You are going to beat this. Be positive." One of the
sayings that I hear family members tell their loved ones as they
have only days to live. Power of positivity is undeniable. Today's
podcast is going to offer you another way of being. To allow
yourself to feel all the emotions means that you understand that
life is inherently 'Bittersweet'.
Keeping hope in your back pocket as a breath of fresh air is always
powerful. But it is equally powerful to sit in your sadness and
grief. It's valuable for you to sit with worry, sorrow and the
overwhelming emotion of 'I was not ready for this.'
Constant sense of looking at the bright side, keeps us wanting to
turn the page on all the emotions that we should be experiencing
here and now. There are people who will use pep talk because they
do not know what else to say. In this episode I offer you a
teaching I share with my clients: Holding life in two hands. It's
not either or. It is hopeful and sad that you are diagnosed with a
terminal illness. There is room for sadness and not expressing our
negative emotions will only lead to further isolation: something no
one wants to experience during serious illness.
So join me in sharing this episode for all who are suffering with a
serious illness and want to 'only' focus on the positive. It can
sometimes do more harm to do that.
Also, know that I want to teach you these way of thinking with my December Coaching for Women Physicians. Go to to learn more.